
A great opportunity for your SMEs clients to participate to the currently open call of H2020 project PHARAON

A great opportunity for your SMEs clients to participate to the currently open call of H2020 project PHARAON, in which Slovenian INNORENEW Institute, is involved as project partner. The Pilots for Healthy Active Ageing (Pharaon) is a Horizon 2020 project to improve the dignity, independence, and wellbeing of older adults [...]

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Register for the Workshop: Servitization – transformation of products into services as digitalization enabler

Step Ri - Science and Technology Park of the University of Rijeka invites you to: Wednesday, December 1st 14:00 – 16:00 via Zoom platform Register for the workshop where participants will learn about the Service Innovation Methodology (SIM) and how to support digitalization efforts by implementing it in their companies. The [...]

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European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01) call

Initial Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs TOPIC ID: DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-INITIAL-01 Call: European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01) Work Programme: DIGITAL-2021-2023 Deadline date: 22 February 2022  ExpectedOutcome:Outcomes and deliverables At the end of the project, a balanced network of EDIH will cover all regions in Europe, addressing the needs of the public and [...]

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Building engines of innovation: new EIT call launched to boost innovation in Higher Education

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is pleased to announce the EIT HEI Initiative’s new call for proposals supporting up to 40 consortia of higher education institutions (HEIs) and non-academic organisations with a maximum of EUR 1.2 million each. With the support of the EIT Community, Europe’s largest innovation ecosystem, [...]

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EIT Jumpstarter Grand Final event

The event will be held virtually on the 1st December 2021 starting at 1pm CET: https://registration.eitjumpstarter.eu/#/ (prior registration required). EIT Jumpstarter is a pre-acceleration program for researchers, idea holders, PhD and MA students. It is the flagship program of the Cross-KIC cooperation within the RIS region, that is run fifth [...]

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The Call Excellence Hubs (HORIZON Europe Framework Programme) is open for submission

The Call Excellence Hubs (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ACCESS-04) is open for submission! Deadline date: 15 March 2022 Expected Outcome: Excellence hubs are an initiative to strengthen regional innovation excellence in placed based innovation ecosystems by cross-border collaboration on a common strategy and/or alongside value adding chains. Place based innovation ecosystems are interconnected companies, [...]

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EIT Food Open Call 2022

EIT Food’s vision is a world where everybody can access and enjoy sustainable, safe, and healthy food – with trust and fairness from farm to fork. The intention of this Call for Proposals is to maximise the societal, economic and environmental impact of innovative ideas and consortia within the scope [...]

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Aquaculture showcase event

Are you interested in exploring the innovations that are transforming aquaculture into a sustainable sector? Join our Aquaculture Showcase event that will take place on November 23, 2021 EIT Food’s Aquaculture Showcase virtual event will explore the latest research and innovations in the aquaculture sector. The event will showcase the [...]

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Future of Food Conference

The Future of Food Conference will take place on 30 November and 1 December in Brussels and online. The Future of Food Conference will provide a high-level platform to discuss future trends and priorities in food innovation in Europe, in the broader context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the EU Farm to Fork [...]

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